Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Calabash Android Driver (Java)

Finally !!!
I did run calabash android to test mobile app with embedded webview using calabash
This tools covers all requirements necessary for mobile application testing project, there are some limitation as all functionalities are not implemented.

Certainly this is the best tool for mobile hybrid application testing (fonemonkey works fine but I am not very happy with that)

I have created a test project that can be downloaded and used to testing sample app, Just to make sure things are fine and installation is OK


1) when there is this below error
resign application using http://www.troido.de/re-sign.jar
java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting instrumentation ComponentInfo{sh.calaba.android.test/sh.calaba.instrumentationbac
kend.CalabashInstrumentationTestRunner} from pid=549, uid=549 not allowed because package sh.calaba.android.test does not have a signature
 matching the target com.example.pickerviews2

2) When there are missing libraries search for them and add them to lib folder
Go to properties -> Java Build path -> libraries and remove Error libraries

3) Unable to resolve target 'android-7' PickerViews  Unknown Android Target Problem
This means project.properties will have  to be updated to android sdk level installed in SDK manager