Saturday, 18 May 2013

How to make personal website in 5$ / 5£ / 500 Rupees & 10 minutes!!

I started making a website for one of my relative and had to refresh my memory on how to get it up and running.

Here is how simple way to do it

Ingredients needed :

1) Domain name
2) web hosting server
3) Some html page.

How to get them 

1) I registered my domain at, You can get a domain name at other popular sites like /

2) For web host server, I chose which is my favorite free web hosting server for almost 5 years now.
Other options are using wordpress or blogger or some paid servers  like  hostgator

3) HTML code
open note pad , copy below code and save it as "index.html"
 <!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

Steps to do at Bigrock website

  1. Login to ur domain provider (say you have purchased domain name
  2. click on your domain and choose website manager or similar options 
  3. update nameserver to point to your webhost in this case its and   check pic4
  4.  Once you have set nameservers wait for an hour or so and check domain provider website again Check picture fig5 below, It indicates some warnings ignore them (these warnings are an indication that nameservers are recognized)
  5. Mean proceed to next section where we upload files to web host

Pic4: Set name servers

Fig5: Ignore these errors

 Steps for uploading files to webhost ( in this case)

  1. Create login and log into
  2. Go to domain manager -> my domains -> hosted domain -> host domain 
  3. Create a domain name exactly same as your website name (purchased with bigrock ex: Having same name will help 50webs resolve DNS to your website for all incoming traffic that comes to your domain purchased at bigrock.
  4. Copy the index.html file we saved previously in to file manager for the newly created domain in step3
  5. Wait for 1-2 hours for DNS and NS to recognize ur website
  6. In my case it took1 hour but it might take upto 24 hours for DNS to be working properly 
Hope you website must be up & running soon
Drop a link to ur site when you have created using my blog
It makes me feel proud :)

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